
  • Name / 名前:

  • Place of Birth / 出生地:Busogon San Remigio Cebu

  • Graduating university or college / 出身大学:Mandaue City College

  • Major in / 専攻:BSEd - English

What was your dream when you were a child? / 子供の頃の夢は?

Become someone that could help.

What is your hobby? / 趣味は?

Talking to someone with various topics

Listening music

Eating delicious foods

What are you skilled in? / 特技は?


What is your favorite food? / 好きな食べ物は?

Fast food

PORK ( any way of cooking as long as it suits my taste )

Which country or place do you want to go someday? / いつか訪れてみたい国や場所は?


Suppose you were an animal, then what would you think you were? / もしも自分が動物ならどんな動物だと思う?

Bird & Lion

Bird = I love to go anywhere just like birds I think they keep on flying for they love to see things around them or discover something

Lion = I'm brave :)

Message to Students / 生徒様へのメッセージ

If you are going to pick me as your teacher BE READY to answer questions & raise your question for my teaching skills is more focus on talking & listening meaning I would prefer to have any topic under the heat of the sun rather than following a book. I love to test your speaking skills, listening & comprehension. I do believe as a teacher that student who are already proffesional are already smart & capable but they just lack the practice that is why I would prefer to enhance the students listening, speaking & comprehension. Thank you