What was your dream when you were a child? / 子供の頃の夢は?
To be a professional Teacher
What is your hobby? / 趣味は?
Cooking (improvised menu)
Playing Volleyball, badminton and watching movies (just during free times)
What are you skilled in? / 特技は?
Flexible in physical, social and mental ability.
What is your favorite food? / 好きな食べ物は?
I do have lots of favorite food, like adobong manok, adobong chicken feet, sinigang na bangus ang kinilaw.
Which country or place do you want to go someday? / いつか訪れてみたい国や場所は?
I wan to visit: European countries
Suppose you were an animal, then what would you think you were? / もしも自分が動物ならどんな動物だと思う?
I can compare myself to a meerkat.
its because I care for my family (family oriented) like meerkats do thet protect their family especially the young ones and their territory. It is rare to be one especially nowadays, since today's generation, its more on being self-centered.
I love napping like meerkats do.
Message to Students / 生徒様へのメッセージ
Dear student, Whatever you may encounter as you continue your English journey, DO NOT GIVE UP! Seized the moment of hardship, behind those hardship there's a lot. of lesson to gain and to keep, and those lesson will lift you up from where you are right now.
Learning is a continuous process.
Embrace the moment you have and the chances that you can learn more than you expect for.